
Configuring Solids#

You can find the code for this example on Github

In many situations, we'd like to be able to configure solids at run time. For example, we may want whomever is running the pipeline to decide what dataset it operates on. Configuration is useful when you want the person or system that is launching a pipeline to be able to make choices about what the pipeline does, without needing to modify the pipeline definition.

We've seen a solid whose behavior is the same every time it runs:

def load_cereals(context):
    csv_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "cereal.csv")
    with open(csv_path, "r") as fd:
        cereals = [row for row in csv.DictReader(fd)]

    context.log.info(f"Found {len(cereals)} cereals".format())
    return cereals

If we want the file to be determined by whomever is launching the pipeline, we might write a more generic version:

def read_csv(context):
    csv_path = os.path.join(
        os.path.dirname(__file__), context.solid_config["csv_name"]
    with open(csv_path, "r") as fd:
        lines = [row for row in csv.DictReader(fd)]

    context.log.info(f"Read {len(lines)} lines")
    return lines

Here, rather than hard-coding the value of dataset_path, we use a config option, csv_name.

Let's rebuild a pipeline we've seen before, but this time using our newly parameterized solid.

import csv
import os

from dagster import execute_pipeline, pipeline, solid

def read_csv(context):
    csv_path = os.path.join(
        os.path.dirname(__file__), context.solid_config["csv_name"]
    with open(csv_path, "r") as fd:
        lines = [row for row in csv.DictReader(fd)]

    context.log.info(f"Read {len(lines)} lines")
    return lines

def sort_by_calories(context, cereals):
    sorted_cereals = sorted(
        cereals, key=lambda cereal: int(cereal["calories"])

    context.log.info(f'Most caloric cereal: {sorted_cereals[-1]["name"]}')

def configurable_pipeline():

Specifying Config for Pipeline Execution#

We can specify config for a pipeline execution regardless of how we execute the pipeline — the Dagit UI, Python API, or the command line:

Dagit Config Editor#

Dagit provides a powerful, schema-aware, typeahead-enabled config editor to enable rapid experimentation with and debugging of parameterized pipeline executions. As always, run:

dagit -f configurable_pipeline.py

Notice that the launch execution button is disabled and the solids are red in the bottom right corner of the Playground.


Let's enter the config we need in order to execute our pipeline.


Config in Python API#

We previously encountered the execute_pipeline()function. Pipeline run config is specified by the second argument to this function, which must be a dict.

This dict contains all of the user-provided configuration with which to execute a pipeline. As such, it can have a lot of sections, but we'll only use one of them here: per-solid configuration, which is specified under the key solids:

run_config = {
        "solids": {"read_csv": {"config": {"csv_name": "cereal.csv"}}}

The solids dict is keyed by solid name, and each solid is configured by a dict that may itself have several sections. In this case, we are interested in the config section.

Now you can pass this run config to execute_pipeline():

result = execute_pipeline(configurable_pipeline, run_config=run_config)

YAML fragments and Dagster CLI#

When executing pipelines with the Dagster CLI, we'll need to provide the run config in a file. We use YAML for the file-based representation of configuration, but the values are the same as before:

      csv_name: "cereal.csv"

We can pass config files in this format to the Dagster CLI tool with the -c flag.

dagster pipeline execute -f configurable_pipeline.py -c run_config.yaml

In practice, you might have different sections of your run config in different yaml files—if, for instance, some sections change more often (e.g. in test and prod) while other are more static. In this case, you can set multiple instances of the -c flag on CLI invocations, and the CLI tools will assemble the YAML fragments into a single run config.

Putting Schema on a Config#

The implementation of the read_csv solid we wrote above expects the provided configuration will look a particular way. I.e. that it will include a key called "csv_name" and an accompanying value that is a string. If someone running the pipeline were to neglect to provide config, the solid would fail with a KeyError when it tried to fetch the value for "csv_name" from context.solid_config. If the provided value were an integer and not a string, the solid would also fail, because paths are strings.

Dagster allows specifying a "config schema" on any configurable object to help catch these kinds of errors early. Here's a version of read_csv that includes a config_schema. With this version, if we try to pass config that doesn't match the expected schema, Dagster can tell us immediately.

@solid(config_schema={"csv_name": str})
def read_csv(context):
    csv_path = os.path.join(
        os.path.dirname(__file__), context.solid_config["csv_name"]
    with open(csv_path, "r") as fd:
        lines = [row for row in csv.DictReader(fd)]

    context.log.info(f"Read {len(lines)} lines")
    return lines

The ConfigSchema documentation describes all the ways that you can provide config schema, including optional config fields, default values, and collections.

In addition to catching errors early, config schemas are also useful for documenting pipelines and learning how to use them. This is particularly useful when launching pipelines from inside Dagit.

Because of the config schema we've provided, Dagit knows that this pipeline requires configuration in order to run without errors.

Go back to the Playground and press Ctrl + Space in order to bring up the typeahead assistant.


Here you can see all of the valid config fields for your pipeline.